Hey there, it has been ages since i log onto my blog! Another new chapter in my life as a volunteer has begun. This time, it was a Girls' Camp for the Children of the Sime Darby Plantation Division. It was sure not a holiday, like most friends told me before I left "Enjoy your holiday in Janda Baik!", but a noble work to give back to the society. The "niat" has to be clear for whatever work you wish to undertake, then you will feel that you have accomplished your mission 120%, instead of just 100%.
I was late to meet up with Azdiana at Genting Sempah R&R coz I was so carried away with my Chiro session after work in the afternoon. So, the hike began on March 13th, 2012 at approximately 5.45 pm. It was starting to drizzle as I made my way up to Genting Sempah and thank God i reached the R&R at 6.15 pm, just as promised. Azdiana followed me from the back, very slowly I must say, I had to stop a few times when I did not see her car in my rear mirror.
So, we headed to Camp ABC, Janda Baik which is nestled next to Suria Hill Resort which was my accommodation during a holiday in December last year. There is sure a reason why the camp is called ABC, don't ask me why but obviously they don't sell Air Batu Kacang there =) Upon arrival, we were greeted by the CSR team from GHO and Plantation - Izlin whom I met at the Zoo, Soraya, Nisha, Qisha (so confusing when there are two "Ishas" in the house) and Kak Zura. We were later after Maghrib, treated to some barbequed meal by the host. I met Jasper (the photographer at Zoo) and Nadiah (whom was also at the Zoo) at the canteen. I must say that the sweet potato and ikan keli were my favourite, and it is such a kick when cicah with the air asam. Wala, mama mia!!! Later, after dinner, Nadiah briefed us on the details of the activities which will take place in the next two days.
My forehead was stamped with the word "FACILITATOR" on March 14th, 2012, a word which carries a huge responsibility. I was asking myself could I really facilitate the teenagers or will it be the other way round? This is the first time I am facilitating a group of teenagers, who are 20-25 years younger than me. The last time I was facilitating a group of youth at the age of 25, and that was a solid 13 years ago! God, how time flies :(
The group of girls arrived with excitement, leaving me with so much anxiety looking at their different shapes and sizes, most of them were bigger than me! We were all at the registration counter, checking their attendance and giving them their tees and "door gifts". After morning tea, we started the activities as planned. The first activity which I have to facilitate was the "BUILD YOUR OWN TALLEST AND SOLID STRUCTURE". I was squeezed between the girls from the first group called HAFSGAMS (I think this is how it should be spelt!). It was an advantage to have Goh being the tallest in the group, the girls won the game. Not bad for a first timer like me, so proud of the girls when chosen the winner by Jasper, who was somehow or rather admiring the name which sounded strange.
The two days were filled up with so many beneficial activities for all of us, not only the teenagers. I learnt a lot from the talks and the activities. It was interesting to observe how the girls think when given a task. My first reponse will be more of delegating the work to each team member, but these girls, they just belasah as they wish. Like Nadiah said, this is not a LEADERSHIP or MOTIVATIONAL camp, but I did tell my team to organise themselves when carrying out the tasks. As a facilitator, we were expected to guide the girls in accomplishing their tasks, but at the end of the day, the output is theirs. Originality was the key word in being an outstanding individual or group!
The various talks from the experts - Kak June, Aunty Noni, Chris and Captain Bala were so educational and mind opening to some of the participants, including myself, of course! In less than 48 hours, the girls were equipped with so many useful tips and information for their own survival in the challenging and unpredictable world. I hope that the girls will share all the information with their friends and family members when they return, and use them throughout their lives.
I must say that I am glad to be involved in the camp and the experience that I have gained is so valuable, it cannot be exchanged with any diamonds or pearls (I am not a fan of Gold) in the world. The camp to me, was not only about learning new things, but the bond knitted between all of us from the different divisions matters most and that was a Pow Wow factor that made the event happened! I am looking forward for more of these events to happen in the near future and hope I can do more to give back to the Society once again! Many thanks to Nadiah, Izlin, Kak Zura, K Shida, Nisha, Azdiana, Nabila, all the boys and the speakers who had made the voluntary work worth all the treasures in the world!
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