The ups and downs of life around me always make me think what is going to happen to me - next? Will there be a rainbow or will there be dark clouds? Only God knows. Marriage is a sacred bond between two lives, a husband and a wife. It is not easy to maintain a relationship, what more a marriage? However, i believe that a marriage can be a wonderful experience throughout someone's life if respect and honesty are being practised all time.
When you are not with your partner after being together for years, it is not easy to face reality. True that reality BITES!! However, if it is fated that the paths that had crossed between you and your partner discontinue, then you will just have to swallow the bitterness and move on with life. Whatever happens, always remember that you are still fortunate to have gone through marriage life compared to those who are still single out there and that you are more matured and wiser in certain things. Let it be a lesson for you to move on because you do not know how long more you are going to be living on Earth.
As for me, i have to face whatever is the fate written for me and move on with life. Insyallah, there is a reason for everything that happens to you. May God give me the strength to go on. Amin
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